Sunday, January 12, 2014


This morning was one of those wake up call mornings. You know the ones where you get smacked with something that hits you straight in the gut? I wasn't anywhere particularly special. In fact, I wasn't at a church service or a bible study. God showed up bright and early on a Sunday morning while I was sitting on my bed. I love how he does that. Or maybe its when I allow him to do it. God is always wanting to show up. I just am so often blinded of it, due to my crazy, hectic, busy lifestyle. But this morning things were calm for a short while. And God spoke to be about the sanctuary of time.

 I admit that I am an amateur when is comes to trying to beat time. I never seem to get it right. I wake up in the morning running around my apartment getting ready for work, often running out of the house with shoes in my hand and make up under my arm. Getting to work right on time, where I try my best to focus on what's in front of me, and not the assignments that I will be doing over my lunch break, or the large amounts of reading and papers that I have to work on when I get home. To top it all off, my email and phone continually go off with the ongoing process of scheduling clients. By the time 10 PM presents itself, I am crawling into the bed, and falling asleep before my head hits the pillow. It is an ongoing process in this season of life that I am in. So There it is. Our world is addicted to speed. And I have allowed myself to become apart of this.

I really resonate with what Ann Voscamp writes in her book, One Thousand Gifts. She writes, "I don't really want more time; I just want enough time. Time to breathe deep and time to see real and time to laugh long, time to give YOU glory and rest deep and sing joy and just enough time in a day not to feel hounded, pressed, driven, or wild to get it done------yesterday!

Time is a respecter of no individual, and Voscamp presents a solution for it. Fully entering into each moment, and slowing the torrent of time by being all there. We have all heard it said, "wherever you are, be all there". But there is so much truth in that. Yes, we may have ten million things to get done in one day, but if we don't enjoy them what is the point? If we don't consciously become aware of each moment that we live, why go through the motions? Could it be that simplicity is a matter of focus??

So my challenge for myself today is to live life, but to live it with a different focus. Be in the moment wherever I am, whatever I am doing. To enjoy this season of life, because as we know...."We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing" (Psalm 39:6)

"It takes a full twenty minutes after your stomach is full for your brain to register satiation. How long does it take your soul to realize that your life is full? The slower the living, the greater the sense of fullness and satisfaction." -Ann Voscamp